About Us
It all started with my dad’s love for the Weimaraner breed almost 35 years when he acquired his first Weim. Growing up we always had a Weimaraner and some of my best childhood memories involved our Weims. They are some of the most loyal and smartest dogs and are a wonderful family pet as well as bird hunting dogs.
My parents loved the breed so much they decided to start raising Weimaraners over 25 years ago. My father passed away in 2015 and my family has continued his legacy on a small farm here in Missouri.
Our farm has continued to grow and we have added a Schnoodles, Cavapoos, Yorkipoos, Poochons, Havapoos, Miniature Poodles, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Exotic Shorthair and Longhair Kittens.
All of our animals are well loved and part of the family. Our puppies and kittens are well socialized to many different ages of people as well as many different surroundings.
We strive to provide the healthiest, most socialized, and well loved pets possible.
Our Kennel/Cattery is licensed and inspected by AKC, State of Missouri and USDA. We are members of Missouri Pet Breeder’s Association and Missouri Animal Husbandry Association. We attend seminars and conferences, and obtain continuing education in order to give the best and most up-to-date care to all of our animals.